About me
I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Royal Holloway-University of London. My main research areas lie in services marketing (AI & service robots, organizational frontlines) and transformative consumer research (prosocial & sustainable behaviors). My dissertation received an honorable mention at the 2023 Psychology of Technology Dissertation Awards and won the 2024 SERVSIG Best Dissertation Award.
As a consumer behavioral scientist, I employ a multi-method approach in my research, including field experiments, controlled experiments, Facebook A/B tests, surveys (PLS-SEM), text mining, and secondary data analyses.
My work has been published in Journal of Service Research, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Service Management, The Service Industries Journal, among others. My other works are under review at premier journals, including Journal of Marketing (UTD24, FT 50), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (FT 50), and Journal of Business Ethics (FT 50).
Email thekhoa.do@rhul.ac.uk